aJVL on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ajvl/art/Applejack-333393481aJVL

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aJVL's avatar




Nothing special... just doing some quick picture of AJ. This is more of a monochromatic style, so the colour scheme is pretty boring. Also, might be putting this to scrap.

EDIT: Given a bluish overlay for "cool down" the orange.

Initially started in SAI, but moved on to Photoshop near the end because I just like Photoshop texture.
The good thing about using SAI is that it force you to make full use of the basic tools provided to you, like their round brushes coupled with a few basic texture and settings. It teaches you to not rely too much on custom settings that PS gives.
Image size
1100x1286px 756.1 KB
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